Magic Skagit: Election Reform Resolution

 Our Election Reform Resolution did not send with the others.  So here it is:

Skagit County
Election Reform Resolution
By Casidy Brown, and Kimberly Torheim

Whereas, Youth are being shorted because they cannot understand the registration and voting process.
Whereas, On-line registration and voting would help this. 
Whereas, Youth do not understand the process in which people register, and vote.
Whereas, A program to educate youth would on how to register, vote, and why they should, would increase voter turnout among youth in our country.

Now, therefore be it resolved, that the current voting system needs to be changed to on-line so that youth will be able to understand it, and feel more comfortable.  There will be programs in place to educate youth on how to proceed through the election process, and why it’s so important that they do.

~Skagit KYG

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