GMO labeling: The Bill That Didn’t Pass
What is GMO? A GMO is genetically modified organism in
plants or animals that has undergone a process where scientists alter their
genes with DNA from different species of living organisms. Everyone, from kids, adults, farmers,
consumers, in the state of Washington are affected by GMO labeling. The two
biggest effects are on farmers who have to pay for labeling on their products
as well as effect on consumers who are eating genetically modified foods.
Needs to be more detailed !! This is not Nina its a person from the yellow group haha
ReplyDeleteI feel as though you give some overall information but are there pros and cons you can provide us? The amount you have written is written very well.
ReplyDeleteWhat products tend to have more GMOs? Why? What are some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of GMO labeling? #wakyg2015 #GMOlbl
ReplyDelete#wakyg2015 #gmolbl could you add more facts form both sides with sources for them as well as for the facts that you already posted? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI would really like this article just wish it was longer and had more information. Other than that it looks good!
ReplyDelete- Yellow Group
#gmolbl #wakyg2015
Are there any effects to the consumers? #wakyg2015 #gmolbl
ReplyDeleteHere are some things to consider...
ReplyDelete-Monsanto although it has a wheat head as its emblem is actually a chemical company. Why is this a big deal? Monsanto has created seeds that won't grow unless sprayed with a chemical that they produced. This means they get to decide whose plans will grow and whose wont. If you are a farmer who does something they don't approve of they have the right to deny you this product. And then your field wont grow and your entire livelihood is gone. Does this sound controlling? Is it any coincidence that Monsanto, the owner of Round Up, is also the creator of "Round Up ready" seeds. The plants that grow from these seeds can be sprayed with round up and not die, but all other weeds will. This is why I was so excited when my grandpa purchase his first batch of round up ready seeds. However we soon found out that these plants are known to cross pollinate with weeds, which means in only a few years all of the weeds in his field would be resistant to the roundup as well. All that would be left to kill these "Superweeds" would be agent orange, a deadly substance that the United States is still paying millions of dollars to Vietnam for because of spraying it on their trees in the Vietnam war half a century ago. Needless to say the seeds that my grandpa purchased went unplanted. If this is the only option, we need to rethink our options.
Because Monsanto has patented the genes in their plants, they can sue any person using their genes. This attribute of a patent is usually in place to protect the producer of a product. This has been abused. For example, if there are GMO plants in the fields of farmer A, and farmer B does not but the plants in the field of farmer B are accidentally pollinated by the plants in the field of farmer A, Farmer B can be sued by Monsanto for patent infringement. Due to none of his own fault, farmer B can have his farm and his whole livelihood taken away over night. Sound controlling now?
ReplyDeleteHow about the farmers in india who tried to grow their fields from leftover seeds from the harvest last year but then are sued for patent infringement. By following traditional, smart, agricultural practices, these impoverished individuals have what little they have, taken away. These people literally don't see any other options for their families. So they kill themselves, in order for their families to receive some monies from their deaths. Does it sound like Monsanto has control?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the higher nutrient contents of GMO foods though? Although the content may be denser, since these nutrients are not natural the human body has an extremely hard time absorbing them, leaving us with a lower nutrient dense food. This also goes for the cows that are fed GMO corn that doesn't supply them with the nutrients to make a quality product. Again we are short changing ourselves.
So what about the raised costs of requiring labels on GMO foods? Let's look at history, when nutrition labels were first being required, many companies had this same concern. However these labels have been proven to be inexpensive and have increased the quality of the products that we consume because consumers demand this quality from producers. Why then do we not see this small investment well worth every penny? In Europe they require GMO labeling for their products. They have sen a rise in quality with only a comparably small rise in cost. So why don't we follow their lead? Because it has all but eradicated GMOs from Europe. Which means Monsanto gets no profit from it. Because we have been told by you-know-who how gargantuan of a burden it would put on our hardworking agriculturalists.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the definition of one company owning all sources for a product. Yes, this is a monopoly. We know that monopolies result in lower quality product and higher price. Economically there is only one winner....and believe me it is not us.
ReplyDeleteIt is your choice, it is our choice. It is our future, it is our world.
"In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.