Pink Color Group

Facts About the Death Penalty in Washington State

Feelings, beliefs and emotions are often the most talked about aspects of the death penalty. This leaves many people divided over the issue and obscures the facts in a fog of bias but when the smoke clears what do we really know? Let’s break down some of the facts:
What: The death penalty in Washington State is the punishment of execution administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime. In Washington the case must involve aggravated first degree murder for the death penalty to be used.
How: The two methods of execution in Washington State are currently death by lethal injection or hanging if so desired by the inmate receiving the punishment. The cost of court cases dealing with the death penalty is on average $1 million more than in similar criminal cases.
When: The average amount of time an inmate spends on death row is 192 months. In 2014, Washington State Governor, Jay Inslee put a stay on all nine executions due to occur in the state.
Who: Since 1904, when the death penalty was enacted 78 people have been executed in the State of Washington, none of which being women. Of these executions 66 were of Caucasian origin, 7 were black, 2 Asian, 2 Hispanic, and 1 Eskimo.
Where: Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla, Washington. Male defendants under a sentence of death must be transferred to the penitentiary within 10 days of the trial. Female defendants are housed at the Washington Corrections Center for Women before being transferred to the penitentiary no later than 72 hours before a scheduled execution.
Although these are just a few relevant facts surrounding the death penalty in Washington State, it is hoped from these facts you may begin to form an informed opinion on the issue and be inspired to research further.
#WAKYG2015 #dthsen


  1. Don't put it all in colons it makes it seem to easy

  2. Don't put it all in colons it makes it seem too easy this is not Nina it's a person from the yellow group

  3. Is Walla Walla the only place that the death penalty can be carried out?

  4. Good job pink group! I think that this post was very balanced.

  5. I feel as though you provided some great information. What are some great examples you could provide about people who are currently on death row?

  6. I love all your information throughout your article.
    - Yellow Group
    #dthsen #wakyg2015

  7. I love all your information throughout your article.
    - Yellow Group
    #dthsen #wakyg2015
