Grant meeting/interview #6

Grant County-
-Meeting 6
Today we had an awesome opportunity to interview Dani Bolyard. She has worked for the Columbia Basin Herald for 6 years, ran for county rep last year and has a background in architecture. She gave us the basic do's and don't of blogging and getting media information. We learned that many attention getters are usually within the first sentence ms wording and impressions are big when trying to get the public to read about concerns. We also learned that colors and graphic images within our articles. Many colors represent emotions. For example; reds, oranges, yellows can give warmth or anger feelings while blues, purples, and pinks give off calm and homely feelings. Another major point she made is if graphic media is used we need to be careful about copy righting and ownership of the images. Try not to get the major, supported company images other than the general images.

Also, contacting major community influences of the community, you need to verify addresses and choose who you want to contact. Also compressing information into smaller paragraphs are important. Background information, and facts are major in influencing the community. She also gave us the quick over view of how to write press releases. Relating personal conflict to the readers has a great impact on the readers. Different angles about the topic are also important and can show that the writer is not only about sabotaging the accused. It's was a great experience hearing from a professional writer and we enjoyed her company this afternoon.

This is Cody, Maddie, Tristan and Alexis signing out. Go Hawks!

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience to meet with Dani Bolyard! It sounds like you had a great conversation with her :)
