Walla Walla County

Hi all! Walla Walla County is excited to be coming to KYG again! Hope all is going well for all of the counties in their preparation for the conference.

We are busy planning our campaign and finalizing our platforms. We are focusing our platforms on solutions to current problems we see in our county and country. Our campaign slogan, summing up all our platforms, is "Solutions to a Brighter Future". Below are the resolutions we have thus far:

~Education: Core academic classes-English, Math, History, and Science-should be taught in smaller class sizes while Physical                               
                    Education courses should contain more persons.
~Environment: We support soil conservation.
~Energy: we support the efforts of researchers in finding new sources of energy in the form of renewable resources.
~Safety and Security: All traffic lights should remain red at one time for at least 1 sec/5 mph on the street to decrease the amount   
                                    of traffic accidents that occur. 

We also chose our county candidate. Walla Walla High School (WA-HI) Senior, Kayla Leinweber will be representing our county. She is very excited to be taking on the position. We are also in the process of planning our 2nd Annual KYG Valentines Day Bake Sale. WA-HI Senior Cristina Sosa is heading that endeavor - hopefully it will go off as well as last years!

We are excited to come to the conference!! Stay tuned for more posts!

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